sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015


[audio="http://www.ivoox.com/born-to-be-bad-25-09-2015_md_8616361_wp_1.mp3"] Ir a descargar

Este es el playlist del programa.
Especial dedicatoria del tema de Dave Alvin & Phil Alvin. Espero que os guste Luca y Maria Salud!!!!
1) Sintonia born to be bad por Rob Mcnurlin
2) Elana James: High upon the mountain
3) Junior Watson: Wolf pack
4) Barrence Whitfield & Savages: Wolf pack
5) Barrence Whitfield & Savages: Rock and roll baby
6) Swingin' neckbreakers: Same all over the world
7) Kerry Pastine & Crime scene: Liar, Cheater, dead
8) Buddy Guy: Trick like Missippi mud
9) George Thorogood & Delaware destroyers: Can' t stop lovin
10) Keith Richards: Trouble
11) Dave & Phil Alvin: Feeling happy
12) Ted Roddy: All night Texas timearound
13) Nick Curran: Reform school girl
14) Kirk Fletcher: Blues for Antone

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