jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018

BORN TO BE BAD 23/03/2018

1) Rob Mcnurlin: Nervous born to be bad
2) Breezy rodio: A cool breeze in hell
3) Breezy rodio: Dr. from the hood
4) Rockwell avenue blues band: Rich man
5) Rockwell avenue blues band: Blues for hard times
6) Kat & Co: Make it rain
Agradecimientos y valoracion del festival sempre somniem 4
7) Blueroomess: Never love a cowboy
8) Michael Martin: Clown of gold (para Juanma Blueroomess)
9) Casey Hemsley: Ball and chain (para Dani Montesinos)
10) Casey Hemsley: I just wanna make love to you (para Laura 69 fallou)
11) Ann Peebles: Tears in heaven (happy birthday Monica Santacreu)

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